We all know that "Health is Wealth" and today's life is more stressful so to live healthily is a most challenging thing but it is not as difficult it looks like. just by changing your food and Lifestyle you can live healthy, happy & disease-free life because we can use food as our medicine. so you have to just eat the right food at the right time in the right manner, which means you have to eat natural food, unprocessed food that does not have any human interference.
- Know your food :
"The food you eat can be either the safest and the most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison". Hence The first step towards health is to "know your food". we have to understand what to eat and what to not eat means we have to stop eating man-made food or 'processed food' and start eating what mother nature design for us i.e. fruits, vegetables, sprout, greens, nuts & seeds. the other thing we have to keep in mind that natural food and vegetarian food are different, vegetarian means all food other than meat, egg, fish, but Natural food means the food in its original form without any process on it. it has four major part,
- living food
- wholesome
- water rich
- plant-based
now let's see why natural food is so important?
- Why Natural food :
Food is the fuel of our body so if you are not giving the right fuel to your body then it is impossible to live healthily. our body is made for natural food only and if you eat unnatural food then your body can't work at it best. when we eat unnatural food then our body can't be done the process of Digestion and Excretion easily and tons of toxins are stuck inside our body. then these toxins after some years turn into major harmful diseases.
when this unnatural food goes into our body our digestive system needs more efforts to digest, and food takes large energy to digest then we give us energy as a result we feel asleep after a meal, but when we eat natural food as it is then our body can easily be done the process of Digestion and Excretion without taking energy to digest.
Our body is made only for natural food how? let's see an example:
In the human body, there are some special hormones present, and that hormones play a role of traffic police, just like traffic police gives direction to the vehicle, these hormones give direction to our food and manage food in right place and the right amount but these hormones give direction to that food that has "identification code".
when we eat natural food these hormones match that "identification code" manage and give direction to food nutrient and our body balance glucose, fat, cholesterol, blood pressure and don't create toxins, but when we eat process food these hormones can't match that code and get killed and it turns to the toxin.
So we have to eat natural food in its raw form, and our diet must include 50 to 75% of natural food means you don't have to eat less but to eat right.
Natural food is not only required to live healthily but it also has the capacity to cure all chronic diseases with proper lifestyle. if you want to know what is a healthy lifestyle for good health then go and check out in Blog Tutorial. Medicine that we are taking today is not able to cure disease and it is not even able to find where actually disease is, so there is absolutely no use of medicine for chronic disease because it harms our body and creates other diseases.
"if your food is wrong medicine is of no use if your food is right medicine is of no need".
- The relation between Natural food and Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual sides of Human Life :
In Bhagavad Gita said that 'our Thought in mind is made up of what we eat'. means what is our thought is negative or positive is mostly depends on what we eat. blood in our body created by the food that we eating. according to Gita, every human works under three modes 1. Satvic 2. Rajasik 3. Tamasik Satvic means complete balance, Rajasik means energy but no balance, and Tanasik means inertia.
hence our Health, Character, Thought and whole Body is made up of what we eat so it is said that, "what we eat we become".
- The Physical side :
Food is the fuel of our body so what we eat decides how will be my health, body because according to a scientist when food enters into the body it goes through seven stages and creates 'seven tissue' called "sapt dhatu". first 'food converted to Fluid', 'fluid to Blood', 'Blood to Flesh', 'Flesh to Fat', 'Fat to Bone', 'Bone to Bone marrow', 'Bone marrow to Semen'. so from that, we conclude that how important the food is? whole physical health depends on the food that we eat, so if you eat living food you feel Fresh, Happy, Positive, and if you eat dead food you feel Lazy, Apathy, Lack of Energy, Tiredness.
The food we eat today is not partially but completely destroyed that's why we feel less energy level throughout the day as compare to our ancestors because our ancestors eat natural and healthy food and work the whole day and walk 4 to 5 km a day with full energy.
We are eating processed, fragmented, packed, stored food in refrigerator about 8 to 10 days and rotted food. so it becomes dead food, according to scripture this food is called as Tamasik in nature if you eat such food it creates 'Inertia' in the body and we feel 'Lazy','Depressed','Tired'. in contrast Satvic or Nature
food has energy called as 'prana' that's why it also called as 'pranic food' it gives us, boost energy.
hence 'if you eat dead food then how you will live'.
The most interesting thing that lots of the Athletes eat planed based diet and still they become so strong some example is Lewis hamilton, Novan Djokovic, etc. if you want to know more about this go and watch out 'Game Changer' documentary on Netflix.
- The Psychological side :
Natural food also has a powerful positive effect on our minds. many Researchers found the correlation between food and mood. our body contains 'serotonin hormones' which is responsible for mood, Natural food can directly balance the level of Serotonin and makes us happy. in contrast, we can see in a western country who eats more fast food has a 20 to 30 % more depression rate than who eats Natural food.
the people who eat Satvic or Natural food are highly concentrated and have high memory power. some study found that the person who eats Satvic food are positive and happy.
- The Spiritual Side :
According to Bhagavat Gita, our bodywork due to the soul present in our body and each soul work under three modes 1. Mode of Godness (Satvic) 2. Mode of Passion (Rajasik) 3. Mode of Ignorance (Tamasik). food also has three types Satvic, Rajasik, Tamasik.
Which type of food we eat our soul work according to that food and then our body, the mind also works according to that food .if man eat Tamasik food then the soul shows characteristics like Apathy, ignorance Depression. if you eat Rajasik food then this food gives energy but no balance and shows the characteristic ego, arrogance, fear, uncontrollable desire, impatience, anxiety.
Hence it is clear that Satvic or Natural food decides our life. purify our soul and gives Happiness, Compassion, Bliss, Love, Non -Violence, Satisfaction, Self-control, Surrender and makes a man
'Divine'. Satvic or Natural food is the creator of our body, mind, and soul in fact whole life depends upon what we eat so choose your food wisely and empower you to become your own doctor, creator of your life, and live Long, Healthy, and Happy life.
If you have any doubts, please let me know