What is the Healthy Lifestyle For Good Health ?

 What we eat is important in Human Life but when we eat is also an important thing, because Time plays the main role in our life. so eating on time is a crucial thing. most diseases are caused due to Unhealthy Lifestyle like BP, Diabetes, Thyroid, Cholesterol, obesity, Stress, Constipation Acidity, etc. that's why these diseases are called Lifestyle diseases. 

To make our Life Style Healthy we have to take care of these 7 habits as below :

healthy lifestyle for good hralth

   1. Wake Up Early In The Morning :  


The first thing is important in a healthy lifestyle is, "when we wake up in the Morning?" wake up early in the Morning plays a main role not only on Human Health but also on overall life because according to Scripture early time in the morning before 6.00 AM decides our Health, WealthHappiness, and Wisdom.  

Modern Science also discovers that the person who wakes up late in Morning has the less wisdom level, less energy level According to scripture the time between 4.00 to 5.30 AM called as 'Bramhamuhurt' during this period positive particle in the Atmosphere is at the highest level, so if the person wakes up during this time and do some spiritual work, Physical Work then he has gained amazing Spiritual, Psychological, and Physical Health.

According to scientists, the pure oxygen level in the Atmosphere is at a peak during this time, if we do some physical work then the energy level of our body increased. 

Another benefit of early Morning is that the energy flows through all our body parts and more toxins of our body get eliminated, that's why you feel more hungry when you wake up early morning.

If you want to know more about the benefits of Morning then read the book '5 AM club' by Robin Sharma.

    2. Sunbathing :     


 After the wake up early in Morning keep your body under the sun for about half an hour which can help to detox your body. Sun is a Natural Disinfectant. sun energy has the power to boost our immune system, purify our blood, clear skin, make stronger bone, reduce deficiency. According to Ayurveda taking bath before 8.00 AM is also a good Healthy Lifestyle.

    3. Healthy Breakfast :

The next important thing in Healthy Lifestyle is Breakfast. breakfast is an important meal in your day because it decides how Dinner and Lunch can affect your whole body. In the morning our stomach is empty and In the body, there is some 'Hormones' present that manages your food nutrient properly in the body and doesn't allow the body to create toxins.  

If you eat Natural or Satvic food like Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts and Seeds, and juices then these Hormones manage food in right place and in the right amount, that's why the body doesn't create any waste in the body. then after what you eat in Lunch and Dinner, it will not Negatively affect on your body.

But you eat unhealthy food in breakfast then these Hormones get killed then after what you will eat it doesn't matter, if you eat healthy food it will not help your body, so the first thing in the morning is to take some Healthy and Nutritious Breakfast, take Herbal Tea instead regular Tea and take Breakfast at 9.00 AM.

     4. Lunch Time


After Breakfast when we take Lunch is Important. we have to take Lunch between 10.30 to 12.00 that's the ideal time for your Lunch because during this period the life energy place in Pancreas and create proper Digestive juices. Digestive fire is also more during this time, so if you take Lunch during this time then food will Digest properly.

As time passes Life energy goes to the small Intestine between 1.00 to 3.00 PM, If you eat between this time, the process of Digestion and Excretion will not execute properly. if you eat your Lunch after 1.00 PM then food could not digest and creates Indigestion and acidity problem.

     5. Don't Sleep During Noon :

 From the Spirituality point of view, we have to sleep only during the night, not during Day. It because when we sleep our circulation system gets slow and our Spirituality level goes decreasing, as a result, Negative energy increases. so if you sleep during day time it Negatively affects our Body. 

      6. Dinner Time :


The Dinner we take it must be light and easy to Digest. the Best time for Dinner is before 7.00 PM if it is not possible to take at least before 8.00 PM. Best Dinner for you is take Salad and Soup if it's not possible to take simple homemade cooked food.

According to Scripture after the Sunset as time passes Negative energy (Subtle Raj-Tam gunas) increases, so we have to take a Dinner in the first half means between 6.00 to 9.00 PM. never eat in the second half after 9.00 PM it's the Worst Time for Dinner. eating late night can lead to many harmful diseases. it slows down your Metabolism process, creates extra fat and higher blood glucose. it is also responsible for a disease like,

  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Bad memory power
  • Heart attack
  • Acid reflection
  • weird Dreaming

       7. Sleeping Time :


According to Ayurveda sleeping time have the most important place in a healthy lifestyle. the best time for sleeping is at 10.00 PM if it's not suitable for you then sleep at maximum by 11.00 PM. by Ayurveda the 'Life Energy' of our body is placed in 'Gall bladder' during 11.00 to 01.00 PM so if you sleep late at night, Gall's bladder creates extra acid and we feel Acidity and Indigestion.

Hence time is important for our better health, so it's important to follow a 'Satvic lifestyle' and make your Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual Health better.

As you see lifestyle is Important as well as What we eat is also important, if you want to know what is your best food then  check my blog here:

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